Wednesday, August 3, 2016


One thing that some people don't know or maybe just don't realize, is that figuring out what you want to teach in the library can be a real chore!!  Do I follow the teacher's classroom skills?  Do I follow the AASL library skills?  (Have you seen those?  Those are really hard to follow.) Or do I do a combination of both skills?

I am someone who has always tried to follow classroom skills and throw a few library skills in.  This year I'm trying to do more out of The Tibrarian Handbook.  We also have new standards this year.

There are others that I use as well.  One idea, that I thought that I got from the Tibrarian book is a Flashlight Tour.  My kinder kiddos checked out books from a smaller selection of books in another room and not from the shelves in the library, so this year now that they are first graders, they are going to be checking out in the big library, I need to introduce them to the different places in the library and I'm going to be doing this with flashlights.  First, I need to find enough flashlights for all my kids.  But I'm really excited and I think the kids will like it.  I know the first grade teachers will like it because they commented on my Facebook page when I mentioned it.

If you have any super ideas that you use in your library, leave me a message below and maybe I can add it to my lessons.

Thanks for reading,


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